Via Mike Knoche: Waking up with the Hamar tribe in Omo Valley, Ethiopia

Wonderful piece by Mike Knoche on his experiences with the Hamar tribe in Ethiopia. A read well worth your time.

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Note: this story was written just after leaving the Hamar villageDSC01826

The wind howled all night shaking my hammock. I woke up hourly but happy to open my eyes to a knew sky each time.  Once with the most stars all night, once thinking the northern lights were there, once with fast looking clouds whose formation I cannot recall but I used to know the name of, once with a half moon, next time the land was lit and if I walked to the hut house I would not need a headlamp to light my way much like an Alaskan moon in winter.

I awoke rested but I always do in my hammock. Straight up. I gathered my bag and things and went up to the hut house to watch the sunrise.  I could see the fire burning inside but was shy to enter or say anything.  I stood looking…

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